

Friday, November 13, 2015

The essential equipment you’ll need

There are several pieces of equipment that you will need and in some case will be required to have. Every state has a different setup as far as regulations and requirements. You will, of course, need to find out all the ins and outs of the city and state where you live to know what you need to fulfill those requirements.

Not a regulatory “requirement but a professional requirement none the less is a magnifying lite, (magnifying lamp or sometimes called a mag lite). Without this essential piece of equipment you simply don’t have the eyes to see a client’s skin. You can find these in (sometimes expensive) industry catalogs; I have found then at the local office supply store like Office Depot or Office Max for a lot less.

It doesn’t really matter where you purchase the light, it does matter how much magnification you will get from it. This depends on your eyes and what you prefer looking through. For me, I have always used an 5-diopter lite. (Diopter is a the measurement of magnification. The higher the number, the stronger the magnification.) When I used a stronger version (8-diopter) I found it was too much magnification and it made it harder for me to do extractions. I realize that sounds counterintuitive, but this was true for me. After returning that higher magnification lamp, I opted for what I had in the past: 5-diopter.

Next is the sanitizer or sterilizer. This is required piece of equipment—everywhere. This cabinet emits UV (ultra violet) light—just like our sun does—which acts as a sterilizer for your equipment and sponges. You will have to purchase this through one of the (more expensive) industry catalogs or stores. I have never seen the type of unit needed for a facial room anywhere else but in one of these places. They usually start at around $200—however prices vary greatly; just try to find the best deal on the unit you like.

Aesthetics are important to me and since the sterilizer is essentially out in the open for all to see, I always wanted to have one that was pleasing to the eye. Perhaps this would be more expensive, but I haven’t ever had to replace the sanitizers I’ve used in my salons, so it was never an issue to pay a bit more for the one I liked best.
My Chicago office lobby area with product on shelves
Depending on your set up, you will either have a lobby area where you will have your products-for-purchase out for all to see and buy or you may be renting a room in a salon or an office suite and will need to have a place to put your retail products.

Before I moved to Boulder, all of my office spaces has separate lobbies and facial rooms in a large office space. Now, in Boulder, I have always rented a room in a suite of offices. Therefore I have always had my retail products in my treatment room, along with everything else I need to run my business.

Perhaps Im a trusting soul, but up until recently, my retail products have been on bookshelves vs. being under lock and key. A few years ago I was at a consignment store and bought a beautiful antique Asian cabinet that also happens to lock. I now have my products housed in this beautiful case and because it so old, I rarely lock it because I dont want the locks to one day stop working.

You may not be so trustingor maybe you shouldnt be so trusting. I believe that if any of my clients are so bold as to take products (steal) from my office, something will happen to balance that out. That is just how I live my life and therefore I dont usually lock up my product stock. You will have to make that determination for yourself. When I lock the door to my suite, short of the landlord or a worker person needing to enter, the door to my office stays locked when I leave. Your situation may be such that youll need to find a locking cabinet for your for-purchase products and there are many options available. From locking pieces such as in this photo (my Asian piece) or something more utilitarian that you get from a salon supplier.

See these articles that will help complete the list of all the items you will need to get started with your skin care business: