

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Client Frequency Reminders

The regularity of clients coming in is as varied as the client. My most regular clients come in once a month—every 4 weeks. Then it goes to 6-8 weeks. Some people come in seasonally, every 3-4 months. And some come in once or twice a year. There are also a few people who like to come in every 2-3 weeks, although throughout my career this is more rare.

The monthly clients usually book before they leave, but not always. That is my preferred system, but some people can’t plan that far ahead, so they call me when they know they can come in. Then I have those who have standing appointments.

Almost without exception, those who prefer to come in quarterly like for me to contact them after 2 months have passed to make a 3 month appointment. They like this because I offered it! Otherwise time gets away and it may be 6 months or more before a particular client remembers to call and make an appointment. I like to make things as easy as possible for people to frequent my business. I know they want to come in, but sometimes life gets complicated and they forget to call. Make it easy for your clients and offer to get in touch with them. Make it your responsibility after all—it’s your business!

Keeping notes if a client wants you to contact them for their next facial is essential. After that client leaves my office, I put a note (in pencil) in my appointment book to contact them (usually by email) and let them know it’s just about time for their next facial with me.

For instance, if they were in on June 21st, I’d put a note on August 21st that says: Contact Sue Smith for 3 month appt (06/21/15). I also put a sticky note on their chart with a reference for the reminder like: wants every 3 months, contact in 2 months. This helps me keep track to see if they are actually coming in as often as they said they wanted to. But I always ask first. Sometimes people don’t want me to remind them, they prefer to call me when they want to come back. So be sure to ask if they want a reminder, then make notes if they do. Now they are relying on you!

These reminders are where I will write an email vs. calling a client. I’ve found that if I call, the client is more likely to forget if they don’t make the appointment right then on the phone. By emailing they can hold on to the email reminder notice and get in touch with me once they know their schedule and when they want to book the appointment.

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